We ended last time with the question of what divisions within Christian community are a result of the mindset which leads to jealousy, greed, and pride. This question many are afraid to answer in case somebody’s toes are tread on. But remember what we are to do in response to those who are causing such divisions, in response to these divisions which are occurring... we are not to run scared – why do we insist on continuing to do just what we have been told not to do?!
Build yourselves up, pray, keep yourselves in, look for – these are all actions which follow from remembering what we have been taught, and believing what has been revealed to us. This is our response, but is also how we are to guard ourselves against such people.
We are to be discerning in how we act and treat others depending on where their motivation comes from. Different people require different approaches however we are not to get caught up in this but the most important thing is that they are not left without opportunity to hear the true gospel, to see the error of their ways and repent for it, turning to the true God and finding forgiveness for their sins there.
Jude continues in instructing us on just how we should be responding. We have already been told to remember what we have been taught – what the apostles spoke, for us this is the New Testament of the Bible. But to remember on its own is not enough.
But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. - Jude 20-21
Build yourselves up, pray, keep yourselves in, look for – these are all actions which follow from remembering what we have been taught, and believing what has been revealed to us. This is our response, but is also how we are to guard ourselves against such people.
Build yourselves up on your most holy faith – continue to learn and question and understand more and more about the faith which you have, meeting with others of like mind and being an encouragement to one another.
Pray in the Holy Spirit – come to know your God and share your life with Him, develop that personal relationship which we each have with our Father in Heaven.
Keep yourselves in the love of God – do not turn away from what you know or willingly succumb to sinful deeds but strive to be like God, like Jesus, to the best of your ability.
Look for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ – as mercy has been shown on us, so show it on others, and look for it in others, sharing what you know with others that you might be able to better find it.
Unto eternal life – do this for always thinking of not your life here now, but the promise of what is to come.
This is how we are to respond and guard ourselves against these divisions and people causing such, but how are we to respond or act towards the people whom are the frauds, committing these acts. Jude does not leave us without guidance in this matter but continues...
And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh. - Jude 22-23
We are to be discerning in how we act and treat others depending on where their motivation comes from. Different people require different approaches however we are not to get caught up in this but the most important thing is that they are not left without opportunity to hear the true gospel, to see the error of their ways and repent for it, turning to the true God and finding forgiveness for their sins there.
We have heard again and again over the past few weeks in the previous verses of Jude just what is waiting for those who are not in Christ – just what is waiting for these men. So on some we are to have compassion, showing them the error of their ways, on others we are to save with fear – hating even what they touch as it has been ruined by their sinful flesh. We all are sinners and have been found guilty however for those who are in Christ, our sentence has already been paid. Don’t be gentle about it but stop them in their tracks and show them just what they are doing and just how it is wrong. Do not worry about saving a relationship with them or how they might feel but risk these things in the hope that they may come to Christ and so save their very soul – not saving things in this world but looking to save them for much longer – into eternal life with the Father.
It is a hard thing to do, to discern. Whom do you approach with compassion, and whom do you approach with fear – but in all cases approach with an unbending will, that you will not compromise the true gospel, a willingness to help lead them in the right direction in their new found life as given by His gospel, and a readiness to accept criticism and rebuke if you are in the wrong.
My question to you this time is how often do you think about the eternal fate of others whom you know and meet – your family, friends, acquaintances, or even the stranger walking down the street?
Coming up: Jude, Part 6
God Bless