Saturday, May 18, 2013

old vs new

I glanced upon something, and was shocked at what I saw.
I had often wondered what this thing looked like and imagined all sorts of wonders. My imagination conjured up bright colours shining out and overflowing to all that surrounded it. It conjured up something big which would never want to be ignored. It conjured up something soft and gentle.
Instead what I saw was small and hard and dark. Like a rock of the dullest kind covered in cracks and many imperfections. Out of every blemish and dark place more darkness seeped out, like lengthening shadows, creeping up on all that surrounds and slowly turning it all dark. There was no light or colour to be seen.
I glanced upon this thing, and was terrified.
As I was watching something or someone reached out and picked it up, the small, scarred, dark thing. A hole appeared in the midst of the darkness which had spread, where the thing had been taken from - you could see that there was something missing. I continued to watch to see if the darkness would leave but it did not.
As I continued to watch the same something or someone reached out and put something back where the hole was. It also was small, but it was light, and looked soft.
I glanced upon this thing, and was fascinated.
As I continued to watch this new thing started to change, to gain colours - at first pale, but then gradually more and more bright. As the colours grew so did the light with it, gradually becoming brighter. My eyes did not even blink, afraid I might miss something.
Then the light started to reach out to the darkness which still surrounded it and gradually the darkness turned more and more into light as well. As the darkness changed the thing grew bigger until it was like I imagined it in the beginning, and then even better than I imagined - the bright colours becoming like ribbons reaching out from the thing and touching all that surrounded it.
I glanced upon this thing, and was filled with joy.
I looked away and thought about all that I had seen - at first I was saddened, but then I was filled with hope, for I knew that the first thing although it was very bad, could be replaced with something much better.
Evil thoughts come out of the heart. So do murder, adultery, and other sexual sins. And so do stealing, false witness, and telling lies about others. Those are the things that make you ‘unclean.’        -  Matthew 15 : 19 - 20a
I will give you new hearts. I will give you a new spirit that is faithful to me. I will remove your stubborn hearts from you. I will give you hearts that obey me.        -  Ezekiel 36 : 26
God Bless

Monday, May 13, 2013


Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening
Have you ever felt like you're living inside a story book?
I'm not talking about the big events in life, and the way they are portrayed in fairy tales, but rather the places we see and go, and the simple everyday things we do.
Many of the stories I grew up hearing are set in different areas around England (and the UK). Almost every time I see a new place I feel like I'm stepping into yet another story - like my imagination from childhood is coming alive before me now. It really is something to behold.
This weekend I had a similar experience, although it wasn't a story book, but rather a letter.
When I was young I used to write to a lady who lived near Sheffield, in England, and this is the area in which I found myself this weekend. The words she wrote would come alive to me when I read them, like she was speaking to me, and I was standing in the room with her - and yet, somehow, the words that I remember seemed to come even more alive this weekend.
Our imagination is a gift, when used the right way, and it is something I thank God for. I look forward to the many more adventures I am yet to have as a result of it; and visiting the places of the wondrous stories I heard as a child; and doing the simply English things.
God Bless

Monday, May 6, 2013


This past week we have had quite sunny weather with just a little bit of rain. It has been wonderful! On Friday I joined some friends having a picnic lunch and then stayed there talking while lying in the sun. It helped me to realise just how much I took the sun for granted in Australia - it always being there, even in winter to some degree. Britain is one of those places that actually has four clearly marked seasons.
While the sun is wonderful, it is not the only thing which is. Just as much is having somewhere to go to cool off and escape that same sun when it is too hot, and having somewhere to go to keep warm when it is not there. Being able to watch plants grow, and have those same plants sustain us. But the best thing is having the privilege to know God, have a relationship with Him. This does not have to be so but is a gift, something which can never be earned or bought but only received.
God Bless,