Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gods Guidance

So, it's been a little while since my last post. Partly that is due to the fact that I am not on the internet reguarly and partly due to my momentarily forgetting about this blog, as nobody reads it anyway. Despite this, I am determined to keep it up and I think it is a good thing coming up with things to write about, reflecting, or venting, as the case may be.

Recently during my devotion time with God, He has really got me thinking about what He has designed me to do. And at the same time not dwelling on it, the future or the past, but focussing on what you can do right now while still keeping those thoughts in the back of your head. Multi-tasking in the process of thought and reflection.
single flame god future teaching plan
God has designed each and every one of us as a unique human being, a child of God. He has given each of us different talents and passions that we might all be able to work together to help do His work. This is not because He needs it but because He chooses to use us, much like a child 'helping' their parents cook or clean. And He knows what is ahead of us, the number of our days, before we are even thought of. How Amazing is our God?!

Who better to turn to when we have questions, are in grief, or are so relieved, happy, or joyful about something? I know God has something planned for me to do and in His time this will be revealed to me but for now it is best to do what you can while that time is still on its way. I'm waiting for that time but in this waiting, it is a preparation time and God is teaching me many things.

So, there is a little of what God has been teaching me.. what is God teaching you at the moment?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tidying Up

Do you know that point you get to sometimes when you look at something and all you can see is the mess. You just have to tidy up. Or those 'moods' when you just feel like cleaning. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the cleanest person in the world but even amongst all my mess I would like to be able to be one of those people who can just keep things tidy.

It is not just about stuff though. If that were the only thing that could get messy I think everyone should stop whatever they're doing right now just to celebrate for a moment. I mean, if everything else is so tidy and right that all we have to worry about is stuff the world would be a completely different place. Those other things which get messy though are often the messiest, messier than anything we can see.

What I am talking about is life, and relationships, and whatever else you might choose to add to this list. Life is messy. Relationships are messy (and they are part of life, a BIG part!). So my room is messy, so is my life. But within that mess there is an order and a way forward and for me, it is the same with my life. Sure, it is messy, but I still know what I am doing and where I am going (to some degree).

Life is not meant to be tidy and orderly. It is messy! But with the Lord by our sides it does not matter how messy it gets, it can be so messy that it's over your heads and spilling onto the streets, there is always a way forward, a way out. Recently I've noticed a correlation between what my room looks like, the progress being made, and the state of my life. The more I turn to God, and rest in his strength, and follow where He guides, the more there seems a way forwards. The mess doesn't just go away but rather you can now see through it to what it's meant to look like. And the more I turn to God and life and sort out those things, the more and more tidy my room gets. Amazing hey!

So, I'm not saying turn more to God and miraculously you will find yourself tidying up more, because that's not how it works. What I am saying is get your priorities right. My first priority is to God, and trying to live my life for him. The way others see God is quite often through me, and other Christians. So I don't want them to see the wrong image. I want them to see God shining through the mess, and the best way for that to happen is by letting his light shine and doing what you can to clear the way so the light can go further than just a little dingy corner.

If all of that is too confusing to get your head around, just ask me and I'll try my best to re-word it. Anyway, that's all for today. Oh, yes, my weekly question for thought. What do others see as your top priority? (and do you think that it is a good thing?)

God Bless