There once was a snail that grew a tail.
So long did it grow that the snail couldn't go.
Along came a worm with a lovely perm.
The snail's tail it did see and fell in love immediately.
For the snail was lost far away and its tail mistaken for a worm that day.
She wriggled with happiness for it would be the end of her loneliness.
But her new found friend, he did not even bend.
Angry and confused, the tail stood accused.
Until she saw a-fresh her friends blemish.
For he had no eyes or ears and his tail stretched so far it increased her fears.
But give up she would not and followed it, every last jot.
At the end was a surprise, although at first thought a guise.
A snail so lonely and sad it made the worm feel very bad.
There once was a worm with a lovely perm.
And a snail with a very long tail.
Both were sad and lonely, often thinking... 'if only'.
Then one strange day they met by way.
Sharing their grief together, they swore friends forever after.
And that is the ending, much happier than the beginning.