How do you sleep?
Often I will toss and turn a little bit but generally sleep through the night, waking in the morning with almost no memory of what's happened in the last 6+ hours. But occasionally, I will remember a dream....
Dreams about people and fishing, parties and conflicts, friends and family, talking pets and moving furniture, 'monsters' and traveling, laughter and drama, past, present, and future. And then when you wake up you know it was just a dream...
... except sometimes. Sometimes a dream is so real you have to really question if it was a dream or if it really happened. Last night I had a dream of an email (I know, not a hugely interesting thing to say I was dreaming about - but you don't know what was in the email), and this morning I had to check to see if it was real or not. It wasn't, and I didn't think it was, but I couldn't be sure - I didn't trust myself, I had to check. Have you ever had a dream like that?
How much can we really trust ourselves?
And if we can't trust ourselves entirely, who can we trust entirely?
Personally, I only know of one person I can trust entirely - and that's Jesus. Because he's always honest, true, caring, just, there, and unchanging. I can trust Him entirely - can you?