Last time I talked a little about some things we can be grateful for. Something else I am truly grateful for is friends! I still remember a time when I didn't really have any friends and now I don't know what I'd do without the group of people around me from all different walks of life whom I love and care for.
I remember when I didn't really have any friends I didn't understand what it was to have a good friend. Someone who you can talk to, about anything, for almost any length of time. Someone you like and love and care for. You put up with things from them that might normally annoy you. And you genuinely care what happens to them, and what's going on in their lives. You try to be there for them and offer guiding advice or a shoulder to cry on if it is needed.
Not only is it this giving of yourself for them but being able to graciously receive it as well. I don't know about you but I often find it difficult to receive things and really dislike being the centre of attention. Being a friend you often do things you might not like the best to spend time with them but also accept the things which they are giving to you. Whether it be advice, or time, or chocolate, or surprises.
When God created us, he created Adam, and then Eve, and they lived in a garden with God. We were created to be in relationship with others. In this way we were made for friendships and as such we often thrive much more when in the company of others.
Of my friends the thing I am most thankful for is their friendship. My question for you is what do you think makes a friend, a friend?
God Bless