Today I'd like to share with you a little (short, small) ditty, poem, rhyme, or saying, that my Mum taught me when I was little (young).
Life is a mirror, all will come backThe good, the pure, and the trueSo give to the world the best that you canAnd the best will come back to you
Some of what this says I think is true, but when I look at it now, it reminds me of the concept (idea) of karma, which I don't believe in. The basic dulled down (simplified) version of karma is that if you do bad things, then bad things will happen to you, and if you do good things then good things will happen to you (sometimes in a next life).
This idea doesn't fit with the God that I know. The God that I know is creator (made everything and everyone). He is all powerful. He is loving. He is past, present, and future. He is king. He is my heavenly father. He is judge. He is good, and pure, and true. This is the God that I know and He is involved (having an active part in) with our world and our lives, in a way which is much bigger (the concept/idea and more powerful) than karma, or even the universe (everything which exists throughout space).
As a believer in, and follower of, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, I believe something very different to karma, which is all about the God I was just telling you about. Basically, we are all bad but Jesus has paid the punishment for us already, so although we deserve to die for all the terrible things we do (even when we do our best), when we put our faith (trust) in Jesus the best really does come back to us, forgiveness and real (true, genuine, not fake) life.
"What do you mean, real life?" - you might ask. "Are we not already living and breathing?" Life which lasts forever (does not end) and is based first and foremost (the most important part of) in your relationship with God. Not just any God but this God, the God of Jesus Christ, the God who is Jesus Christ.
So now when I think about this little ditty which I was taught when I was little, this is what I am reminded of. That life is a mirror, it should mirror our creator as we are made in His image (likeness), be a reflection of Him (God/Jesus) for others to see. That God Himself came 'back', came to the world to show us just what is good, and pure, and true - that He loved us so much that He gave us the best and biggest gift He could - forgiveness and a way to be with Him forever.
God Bless
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