Saturday, September 8, 2012

English Reflection

CIO is over although the work continues all year round on a smaller scale. There are some lessons learnt from this time that I hope I will always remember. One of them is the importance of taking time out to spend with God. Now, we already know this but when you really are go, go, go for so long you inevitably start to get quite tired and even when you would sometimes much rather sleep it is important to always take that time to spend with God - also to take the time given to you to rest, to rest! I think some people learnt this the hard way. Give it your all but also pace yourself so you don't burn out before it's over.
Something else I learnt is that life is full of opportunities, we just often don't recognise them - or do, and don't grasp them. I think CIO has perhaps helped me to recognise more opportunities and be unafraid of taking them up - primarily in a relational, and gospel speaking way. And they are there - every day! Before, I would naturally talk about the gospel, now I think, perhaps, I can more intentionally speak about the gospel also. Learning how to form and follow up friendships.
On team, we were from all over the world - having over 20 countries represented. This opens up for a lot of cultural baggage, and misunderstandings - but learning how to respect one anothers backgrounds, and adapt so that we can best work together as a team united in Christ. And not only that, but get along really well with some people too. Learning the difference also for many of us between what is Christian, and what is simply a cultural way of expressing that.
Looking forward now, you may know that I am hoping to stay here in Cambridge. Today, I was flicking back over past entries of my 'Journal' since I have been in England. I would like to share with you something I wrote on Monday 27th August.
7.45pm - the buzz or drone of traffic in the background reminding you you're not far away while also causing what would otherwise be in the background to come to the fore. A sky covered in cloud without being menacing in the least whilst providing no colour or bright light to what is left of this summer day. The crickets gently bring their song while birds calling to one another add their melody. something is still missing as I lay facing the sky, my back against the fresh, damp grass - a bird draws my attention as it sets itself in the place of a missing picket on the fence, it's height... perfect. - I laugh and this brief interlude from sound to sight is ended as my own joins with the sounds around. here is the missing sound. the rain gently falls and I can hear it all around me giving many different tones before I even feel the first wet drop upon my face. It falls in a cascading rhythm on the trees, the ground, the rooftop, the plants and completes the sounds of the garden, interrupted only be the occasional call of the neighbours - it says many things, but one of them is this is your home... welcome to Cambridge.
 God Bless

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