I would like you all to meet a friend of mine.
He hasn't had the easiest life but it is still a lot better than many could ever ask for. He has taught me a lot about what is most important in life - what to hold on to and what to let go, where to put your trust and hope, and when to speak up and when to stay silent.
He was no one particularly special where he came from, except to his family and perhaps some of the girls as he is not bad looking. He had a pretty normal childhood, following his parents, and spending time with his friends. He loved to learn though and so had become quite wise for his age by the time he was a teenager just from taking notice of many different things.
He never has told me exactly why he was so determined and persistent at such a young age. Maybe it was something he heard and decided, 'I'm going to be like that', or 'I'm never going to be like that'. I don't know, maybe I should ask him. Anyway, when he was a teenager he wasn't the jock of his town but he was still popular amongst his crowd - although considered a bit strange by others because of his commitment to his beliefs.
Have you ever had one day in your life that changed everything? Sometimes it's obvious, his was, and sometimes it's not so much, mine wasn't - but it's still there when you look back later. Mine was a change in the way I thought about things after a series of small events. His was much more physical, with the invasion of his home by the army of another kingdom, another country. Some stood and fought, some surrendered, some joined the other side - many places were destroyed, many people died, and many were exiled (sent away from their home to another place where they were held like prisoners).
He doesn't like to talk about that time, understandably, the only thing he does say is that he was one of the lucky ones. He didn't know why he was taken while others were killed, but later found out it was because of his good looks and inquisitive mind. He didn't question it too much, just followed along and did as he was told. Some of his friends were also taken, so at least they had each other. He once told me that he didn't know how he would've made it through those first few months without them.
They didn't know what was happening and it was a very confusing time but eventually they found themselves being picked out from the others who were kept as prisoners and taken to live near the palace in the capital of this foreign country. The kings idea was that from each place they conquered they would take some of the smart young men and bring them back and train them in many things but most importantly to think their way, to become true members of his kingdom, and have them work in his kingdom (so, they better look good too). That way, the other people would not attack the kingdom as their own were there too and as they saw how great the kingdom was and how their own people protected the king they would become true members of his kingdom too. They didn't know this at the time, but found out later just what the kings plan was.
The one thing the king didn't bargain on was having someone as committed to his beliefs as my friend. He told me once that he was so scared that he just followed along and did as he was told, and almost just gave up believing several times, just waiting for the end to come. He kept quiet for a while until he realised that he couldn't stop believing the truth and he had more to fear from his God than from this king and his men. He talked with his friends who were still with him and gradually mustered up enough courage to approach the chief who was in charge of them and speak up.
I remember he once said to me that a hundred and one things ran through his head that he could ask for until he finally blurted out a request to abstain from the food offered to them in preference for vegetables and water only as their beliefs denied them these other foods. It might sound simple now but at the time he was quaking in his boots as such a request is a rejection of the king, as that is where the food came from. I remember he described it to me as a hundred years passing in those few minutes, and then another thousand while the chief tested them over the next ten days to see if they would still be fit and healthy. And every second of those thousand years they were silently praying to their God that He would keep them safe.
They were kept safe, and so it continued that way for the next 3 years while they learnt many things, and continued to pray to their God many times that He would keep them safe, that He would send them home, that He would give them understanding. Well, they were all kept safe, and they definitely got knowledge and understanding - they were the best of all the students, and even better than some of the kings scholars. Luckily for me, they haven't made it home yet - if they had I might never have met them and become such good friends.
I wasn't sure that this was because of their God though, I thought maybe it was just luck and hard work. That was until someone else told me about the kings dreams. It wasn't that long ago, the king had some dreams that really scared him and he thought they meant something but he didn't know what. Nobody else could tell him either, and he was starting to take his anger of not knowing out on others in his palace. He was becoming a real tyrant. Anyway, they say that Daniel told the king that he could tell him what they meant the next day. And the next day, he did! He says that his God, the God in heaven, is the revealer of mysteries and has told him the kings dream and its meaning, so that the king might know it.
I asked him about this just the other day, and all he said was 'yeah, that's right'. He's grown up now but from what he's told me I think he's just the same now as when he was a kid back home. Persistent and determined, smart and exceptionally wise, good looking, well regarded by those around him, a bit strange at times, and committed to his beliefs - to his God. I was a bit pessimistic about his God having so much control but after hearing about the dream thing I asked him if he would tell me more about his God, teach me. He has been, and now I call his God, my God too. He's a pretty cool guy to know, all important in the palace but still a real person - not all high and pompous like some of them. I think it's because of his God - he says that everything comes from God so he doesn't take credit for things like the others do. I think he will have an interesting life and I'm glad I can share it with him, even in just a little way.
I would like you all to meet a friend of mine. His name is Daniel.
very interesting