Whoops.. I've missed a couple entries. Oh well, we cannot change what is already past. If we could, would we ever turn to God? Or just leave it to ourselves to fix everything up for ourselves?
Anyway, am spending my time split almost evenly between country and city. It is great but it is also strange to feel so at home that you belong completely there in both places. Still don't have a job but am still getting more and more to do. It's nice to always have something to do, somewhere to go, someone to see again. In this way everything is speeding up and go go go, to keep up and not miss anything.
Am also finding that as I settle more into something I begin to slow down. Or rather, I feel like I'm slowing down even if I am in fact going the same speed. It's one of those strange phenomenons we all notice and have encountered with time and the way it passes. The way things creep up on us as if time is passing so fast and yet the beginning of the year was, well, forever ago.
Am working with kids in school again. On a voluntary basis once a week at the moment. While I still say I'm not a teacher I cannot deny that I enjoy working with kids and showing them new things. I just keep wondering what God has in store.. but only time will tell that, and Gods time not our own.
Patience. It really is a gift. And it pays off in the long run. Just think of a cocoon and how long that caterpillar needs to wait. It can't get all agitated and impatient and anxious but has to just trust, rest, and wait. And look how it is rewarded at the end! Now, don't read too much into that, it's just an example. Kind of where my thoughts are at the moment, caught up in time. Especially with all that has been happening around the world recently.
So, my question to you. If you could have one do-over, what would it be?
God Bless
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