There once was a snail that grew a tail.
So long did it grow that the snail couldn't go.
Along came a worm with a lovely perm.
The snail's tail it did see and fell in love immediately.
For the snail was lost far away and its tail mistaken for a worm that day.
She wriggled with happiness for it would be the end of her loneliness.
But her new found friend, he did not even bend.
Angry and confused, the tail stood accused.
Until she saw a-fresh her friends blemish.
For he had no eyes or ears and his tail stretched so far it increased her fears.
But give up she would not and followed it, every last jot.
At the end was a surprise, although at first thought a guise.
A snail so lonely and sad it made the worm feel very bad.
There once was a worm with a lovely perm.
And a snail with a very long tail.
Both were sad and lonely, often thinking... 'if only'.
Then one strange day they met by way.
Sharing their grief together, they swore friends forever after.
And that is the ending, much happier than the beginning.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Saturday, September 14, 2013
2am stories: part two of two
When he got back he went straight to the leader and managed to get out 'volcano... need... go' before he fainted. The pain was too much....
The leader didn't need to ask him any questions about how or why, he knew that nobody knew that mountain better than he did, he had been going up and down it for many years. He made sure that he was still breathing okay and went straight to ring the big bell in the middle of the village which would tell everyone to come straight away.
The first person there was the runner - the leader told him quickly what was to happen and he left to tell all those who were away from the village or were sick and unable to leave what was happening so that no-one would be left behind. They were to pack their things, and leave.
They were all ready to go very quickly. A stretcher had been made for those who couldn't walk, including the boy who had warned them all, so that they could be carried. The fastest way to safety was to go to the top of the next mountain which was far enough away from theirs, but in the valley further down from them there were three more villages - the furthest was 2 days away, without rest.
They couldn't just leave them, and so that is the way the village went. They sent their runner ahead to warn the next village so they could get ready - then they would rest there until their village arrived before going on to the next village, until they got to the last one.
By the time they got to the last village there were three villages all walking together, but the last village - they didn't believe them that the volcano was really going to breathe fire again, after all it never had before that they had seen. Never the less, they sent everyone to pack up their things so that they would still have a good relationship with the other villages - they needed them.
When they were ready to go, they still did not want to leave and insisted that they all stay in their village, and then if the volcano did do anything - then they could go, after all the nearest mountain they would all go to for safety was only 2 hours away. The other villages didn't like this at all but they didn't want to leave the last village behind, so they agreed.
As they agreed, they all looked up toward the mountain, and someone noticed something looked a little different about the air surrounding it. That was enough, that was all it took, those who were still not sure were convinced by everyone else to move anyway, just in case, and so all together they made the final journey to the mountain.
They made it, it's okay, but that's not what I want to tell you now. You know the boy from the beginning of the story - he was unconscious this whole time and his village carried him all the way. As they arrived at the top of the mountain there was a big tremor making the ground shake, and the mountain breathe fire. It was at this point that he woke up, and when he looked around do you know what he saw?
He saw not only his village, but three more also. He saw a sky of semi darkness, and red flames leaping from a mountain and racing down a valley below. He saw that what he thought was pointless to begin with was actually a very important job. He didn't feel worthless anymore. And he also realised that it was okay that his leg was broken, because everyone else was safe.
My apologies to my 'dear friend' (Brown Bear) if I've remembered part of this story wrongly!
My apologies to my 'dear friend' (Brown Bear) if I've remembered part of this story wrongly!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
2am stories - part one of two
There once was a small village which was at the bottom of a big mountain which used to be a volcano. The people in the village, they had never seen the volcano do anything, to them it was just a mountain, but the stories had been passed down so they always watched it.
Everybody in this village had their own special job to do, that only they would do, so that everyone was important in the running of the village. One person was the builder, another the doctor, another the farmer, another the teacher, another the tailor, another the hunter, and so on.
There was one in the village though, he was not really a boy anymore but perhaps not quite a man either, and he also had a job but he often felt like his job was pointless and didn't help with anything. This made him feel worthless but still he would do his job because he had nothing else which he could do.
Everybody in this village had their own special job to do, that only they would do, so that everyone was important in the running of the village. One person was the builder, another the doctor, another the farmer, another the teacher, another the tailor, another the hunter, and so on.
There was one in the village though, he was not really a boy anymore but perhaps not quite a man either, and he also had a job but he often felt like his job was pointless and didn't help with anything. This made him feel worthless but still he would do his job because he had nothing else which he could do.
His job was to climb up to the top of the mountain and check that it was still just a mountain. It would take a whole day to climb to the top and then a whole day to climb back down again. Every 4 or 5 days he would make this trip, but it seemed pointless because nobody in the village had ever seen it breathe fire, and he was always so tired when he got back.
One day when he got to the top he noticed something was different - it was something that maybe someone else might not notice, but he knew this mountain, he had been climbing up and down it for years. Near the top the ground was a little different, and perhaps a little warmer, and the air smelt different. He knew that the mountain was changing, and suddenly he remembered the stories that the village had of what had happened long ago and he got scared of what might happen. In fact, he ran down that mountain to get back faster... until he tripped and fell.
Oh no, what was he going to do now? His leg was at a strange angle, he could not use it, but he needed to tell everyone what was happening. Do you know what he did? He got some bark and but it in his mouth to bite down on, then he made his leg straight, kind of and put some sticks either side which he tied on with some of his shirt. Then he found a strong stick he could lean on, so he could keep on going. And he didn't hobble, or even walk, no, he kept on running all the way back to the village. In fact he was so fast, it only took him half a day!
Oh no, what was he going to do now? His leg was at a strange angle, he could not use it, but he needed to tell everyone what was happening. Do you know what he did? He got some bark and but it in his mouth to bite down on, then he made his leg straight, kind of and put some sticks either side which he tied on with some of his shirt. Then he found a strong stick he could lean on, so he could keep on going. And he didn't hobble, or even walk, no, he kept on running all the way back to the village. In fact he was so fast, it only took him half a day!
When he got back he went straight to the leader and managed to get out 'volcano... need... go' before he fainted. The pain was too much....
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
fridge word magnets
only one light in life shines over all
when you run
when you dress
when you want
when you ache
when you are lazy
when you are fast
when you are mad
he is always there
do you want it?
when you run
when you dress
when you want
when you ache
when you are lazy
when you are fast
when you are mad
he is always there
do you want it?
Friday, July 26, 2013
summer. autumn. winter. spring.
wet. rain. dry.
sowing. harvest. plowing. breeding.
baby. toddler. child. teenager. adult.
school. holidays. work. retirement.
remember. forget.
There are many different seasons in life. each one has its own place. which seasons are you in? what roles to do you think each of these seasons play?
The bible also speaks of seasons...
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
a time for war and a time for peace.
The second line might also read... 'There’s a time for everything that is done on earth.'
The season or time that I look forward to the most is the one which has not been mentioned yet, and that is when there will be a new earth and new heaven, when they will be together and we will be with God in a way which we cannot be now.
What season or time do you look forward to the most? Is it one that is mentioned above, or another one?
God Bless
Sunday, July 7, 2013
it's just so comfy...
Comfort... is it a good thing or a bad thing?
Comfort is something many of us strive for - in clothes, in people, in leisure, in life - and it can be a good thing to aim for, but is it always a good thing?
How about when you put comfort above other things, it becomes more important than people, than health, than common courtesy?
How about when you become comfortable with your religion, your church, your relationship with God? These can be good things, but they can also be bad if you get too caught up in being comfortable and become forgetful to what is most important.
What is most important is God. And our relationship with Him. And sharing the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven with others. If comfort challenges these things, then we should in turn challenge that comfort.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. -Matthew 6:33
I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. - Revelation 3:1b-3a
God Bless
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Following a thought
Writing a blog post every week sometimes I think for a moment that I might run out of things to share. It has been almost 2 weeks since I last wrote a post, but in those two weeks sooo much seems to have happened.
Sometimes life seems to speed right past us so that we blink and are surprised to realise that a weeks has passed, or a month, or a year... but other times it slows right down and we can't wait for that next moment to come. Between the two though there is a balance, where time passes both quickly and slowly at the same time - this is good. Each view helps us to appreciate the other, and together they are a great tool for teaching patience and perseverance, which go together.
In Galatians we can read that patience is one of the qualities which is of the fruit of the Spirit.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
In Proverbs we read that 'whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.'
So what kind of spirit is this, how should it be ruled?? Psalm 119 says... 'My soul longs for your salvation; I hope in your word.' and 'Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.'
Salvation, and real life (eternal), can be found in Gods Word. That which shows us the way and navigates us along the path of life should be Gods Word. It would make sense then that the way in which we understand and perceive life, the coming and passing, would also show us something of God - after all, he did create it as well. [Genesis 1]
So next time you wish time would just slow down a little, or hurry up and pass by, why not thank God for the time that He has given us, ask Him to continue to grow you in patience and perseverance, and think on these things.
Finally, brothers (and sisters), whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. -Philippians 4:8
God Bless
Monday, June 17, 2013
a wonderful week end
Another week has passed. For me, and many others in this little part of the world, our last week ended fabulously as we celebrated with friends their marriage before God and man.
Amongst the promises they made to one another in their vows were the following...
...I promise with God's help to love you as Christ loved the church. I promise to be a faithful husband, until death separates us, or the Lord Jesus Christ returns, according to God's holy law...
...I promise with God's help to submit to you as the church submits to Christ. I promise to be a faithful wife until death separates us, or the Lord Jesus Christ returns, according to God's holy law...
The talk which followed focussed on these statements of love and submission. I often hear of many people who do not understand how the bride can say in her marriage vows that she will submit to her husband. The truth is that the way we understand the term 'submit' in our everyday language is not the way that it is meant here. Here, it is in the context of how the church submits to Christ. Just as important however is what is meant by the term 'love' as this is also possibly a little different, carrying more weight with it, in this context of Christ loving the church.
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Saviour. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church - for we are members of his body. 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.' This is a profound mystery - but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. (The Bible, Ephesians 5:21-33)
This is the passage where these words in their promises to one another come from. Where it says the church, it is not talking about a building, but rather a group of people. God's people. We see here that the husbands love should be complete, even self sacrificial, putting their wife first and presenting her holy and blameless - perfect. The wife is to submit to her husband, not meaning that she has no mind, or that he can tell her to do anything he likes, but rather knowing that he has the best intentions for her and will do everything he can to ensure her well being. This is a good type of submission. And when both of these roles are filled both will have, must have, a deep respect for one another.
In attendance there were friends from, well, all over the world. It is quite wonderful to see so many different people come together, and to celebrate with dear friends such a wonderful occasion. After all, these promises and these words are not meant only for westerners but are talking about Christ and the church, which is universal!
God Bless.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Once upon a time...
Once upon a time...
Nah, forget that. I find that stories which begin with this line already have the feeling that they are not real, but made up - and from a long time ago. I don't know about you but I find the best stories are ones which are real, ones which involve people I know, and ones which have a purpose.
Some stories fizzle out and die at the end, but the greatest ones keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end - and the end demands a response from you, you have to say or do something. You can't just listen.
I have heard many stories from friends over the years, and family, and strangers. About friends, or friends of friends. About serious things, and funny things, and silly things, and thoughtful things. Often these stories do a great job on their own but can easily be ruined if told by the wrong storyteller.
Of all of these there is only one story which stands out strongly, which is never ruined as it has the same storyteller every time, and it is the greatest story ever told - not about just one of those things I mentioned before, but including all of them and much, much more.
It's the story we read in the Bible, about God's relationship with His people (and vice versa) and the storyteller is always God, because it is His Word, and His Spirit in us which helps us to understand.
Do you agree?
God Bless
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Do the maths
I have just got been on a holiday driving around the UK for the past week with some friends. I apologise for not posting anything last week.
I would like to share just one thing with you...
God Blesswind + rain + cold + poor tents + long days + new locations + sunshine + music + friends + culture + picnics + pasta + prayer + conversation + new faces + cameras + firsts = happy travelers back home
Saturday, May 18, 2013
old vs new
I glanced upon something, and was shocked at what I saw.
I had often wondered what this thing looked like and imagined all sorts of wonders. My imagination conjured up bright colours shining out and overflowing to all that surrounded it. It conjured up something big which would never want to be ignored. It conjured up something soft and gentle.
Instead what I saw was small and hard and dark. Like a rock of the dullest kind covered in cracks and many imperfections. Out of every blemish and dark place more darkness seeped out, like lengthening shadows, creeping up on all that surrounds and slowly turning it all dark. There was no light or colour to be seen.
I glanced upon this thing, and was terrified.
As I was watching something or someone reached out and picked it up, the small, scarred, dark thing. A hole appeared in the midst of the darkness which had spread, where the thing had been taken from - you could see that there was something missing. I continued to watch to see if the darkness would leave but it did not.
As I continued to watch the same something or someone reached out and put something back where the hole was. It also was small, but it was light, and looked soft.
I glanced upon this thing, and was fascinated.
As I continued to watch this new thing started to change, to gain colours - at first pale, but then gradually more and more bright. As the colours grew so did the light with it, gradually becoming brighter. My eyes did not even blink, afraid I might miss something.
Then the light started to reach out to the darkness which still surrounded it and gradually the darkness turned more and more into light as well. As the darkness changed the thing grew bigger until it was like I imagined it in the beginning, and then even better than I imagined - the bright colours becoming like ribbons reaching out from the thing and touching all that surrounded it.
I glanced upon this thing, and was filled with joy.
I looked away and thought about all that I had seen - at first I was saddened, but then I was filled with hope, for I knew that the first thing although it was very bad, could be replaced with something much better.
Evil thoughts come out of the heart. So do murder, adultery, and other sexual sins. And so do stealing, false witness, and telling lies about others. Those are the things that make you ‘unclean.’ - Matthew 15 : 19 - 20a
I will give you new hearts. I will give you a new spirit that is faithful to me. I will remove your stubborn hearts from you. I will give you hearts that obey me. - Ezekiel 36 : 26
God Bless
Monday, May 13, 2013
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening
Have you ever felt like you're living inside a story book?
I'm not talking about the big events in life, and the way they are portrayed in fairy tales, but rather the places we see and go, and the simple everyday things we do.
Many of the stories I grew up hearing are set in different areas around England (and the UK). Almost every time I see a new place I feel like I'm stepping into yet another story - like my imagination from childhood is coming alive before me now. It really is something to behold.
This weekend I had a similar experience, although it wasn't a story book, but rather a letter.
When I was young I used to write to a lady who lived near Sheffield, in England, and this is the area in which I found myself this weekend. The words she wrote would come alive to me when I read them, like she was speaking to me, and I was standing in the room with her - and yet, somehow, the words that I remember seemed to come even more alive this weekend.
Our imagination is a gift, when used the right way, and it is something I thank God for. I look forward to the many more adventures I am yet to have as a result of it; and visiting the places of the wondrous stories I heard as a child; and doing the simply English things.
God Bless
Monday, May 6, 2013
This past week we have had quite sunny weather with just a little bit of rain. It has been wonderful! On Friday I joined some friends having a picnic lunch and then stayed there talking while lying in the sun. It helped me to realise just how much I took the sun for granted in Australia - it always being there, even in winter to some degree. Britain is one of those places that actually has four clearly marked seasons.
While the sun is wonderful, it is not the only thing which is. Just as much is having somewhere to go to cool off and escape that same sun when it is too hot, and having somewhere to go to keep warm when it is not there. Being able to watch plants grow, and have those same plants sustain us. But the best thing is having the privilege to know God, have a relationship with Him. This does not have to be so but is a gift, something which can never be earned or bought but only received.
God Bless,
Saturday, April 27, 2013
On our fridge...
(music floating around)
bitter storms & these sweet symphonies elaborately whisper about summer sun & recall the dreams of thousands of life together in his heaven
stop, friend, please
hear, ask, live, worship
have beauty
have him
[thanks to the person who left this magnetic poetic message]
What's on your fridge?
God Bless
bitter storms & these sweet symphonies elaborately whisper about summer sun & recall the dreams of thousands of life together in his heaven
stop, friend, please
hear, ask, live, worship
have beauty
have him
[thanks to the person who left this magnetic poetic message]
What's on your fridge?
God Bless
Saturday, April 20, 2013
be here, be now
Have you ever wondered about what it means to truly be hospitable? Or why hospitable and despicable sound so similar? No? Okay then, we'll leave it.
How about I share with you today some song lyrics. A blog I read semi regularly 'One Bright Corner' has this as their 'theme song', the reason behind why they entitled their blog as it is. I quite like the lyrics which is why I am sharing it with you today. If you follow the link above you will also get a brief history lesson behind the song and the person who wrote it.
Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do,
Do not wait to shed your light afar;
To the many duties ever near you now be true,
Brighten the corner where you are.
Do not wait to shed your light afar;
To the many duties ever near you now be true,
Brighten the corner where you are.
Brighten the corner where you are!
Brighten the corner where you are!
Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar;
Brighten the corner where you are!
Brighten the corner where you are!
Brighten the corner where you are!
Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar;
Brighten the corner where you are!
Just above are clouded skies that you may help to clear,
Let not narrow self your way debar;
Though into one heart alone may fall your song of cheer,
Brighten the corner where you are.
Let not narrow self your way debar;
Though into one heart alone may fall your song of cheer,
Brighten the corner where you are.
Here for all your talent you may surely find a need,
Here reflect the bright and Morning Star;
Even from your humble hand the Bread of Life may feed,
Brighten the corner where you are.
Here reflect the bright and Morning Star;
Even from your humble hand the Bread of Life may feed,
Brighten the corner where you are.
God Bless
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Seeing Stars
Today I baked a cake. It's a star, literally. Well, okay, it's shaped like a star. It was lots of fun and a lot less cleaning up then I thought it would be.
Stars are pretty amazing. Some shine so bright that we can see them (heaps far away), in the middle of the day (lots of other light)!! They are constant, always in the same place, which makes them dependable also, for direction, and locating constellations. I remember when I first found a constellation here (Northern Hemisphere) which I knew from home (Southern Hemisphere) I was so excited.
![]() |
In Cumbria, England - can you pick a constellation?? [photo credits to Joe Stockdale - Flickr] |
I think there's two really cool lessons we can learn from stars. The first is that although they are so far away, they can have an influence on our lives here... their light is sooo bright that not only does it reach this far but probably many of the stars we see have already died - yet their light shines on. We too can make a difference, all we need to do is let our light shine. There is only one true light, and that is Jesus Christ - so let Him shine in your lives. (John 1:9)
The second is that stars are pretty amazing and extraordinary, but they are not the most amazing or the most extraordinary - that title belongs to the One who created them... (and everything else) - God. He really is great - and so much more.... everything... than the stars we see!
God Bless
Sunday, April 7, 2013
grubs are yummy
I discovered something the other day, I love having stale, slightly mouldy bread in the house. This might sound revolting and disgusting to you but before you judge too much, let me tell you why. When we have such bread in the house, it means that it's time for an outing to feed the ducks! :)
I went on such an outing last Sunday (Easter Sunday) with a friend on our way to lunch. We had 6 join us at the edge of the River Cam - 3 swans, 2 ducks, and a gull. It was lots of fun, as well as challenging keeping them separate so that they would not squabble.
In church this morning we looked at Ephesians 6 and what our various relationships should look like as Christians. We are all different and when we think only of ourselves we will often squabble, or if we think only of others we will be left out, but by thinking first and foremost of Christ, and doing all our actions as working for and serving Him, we can differentiate ourselves from the birds.
When I was thinking about what to write in this blog, I discovered something as I talked things over with a friend. It's not lack of things to write about which is the problem, but rather choosing one of the many things which I could write about. The reason I have so many things I could write about is that I have no secrets.
You might say, sure you have secrets - everyone has secrets - but I would disagree. A secret is not something which other do not know about you, but rather something which you wilfully hide from others. I have secrets which I keep for others, but they are not my own. Of myself, I try to be transparent - and I hope that if you do know me, you can see this too!
That's all for now,
God Bless
Saturday, March 30, 2013
A Great King
I am sure you have all heard of King Arthur and the knights of the round table, a great and tremendous story showing us a hero from ancient times who stood for all the right things.
This past week I have been away on a holiday with a group of wonderful people, and one of the places we visited together was some ruins, supposedly those of King Arthurs castle!
But now the question might come, is King Arthur really real?
From my understanding Arthur is a mythical king created from a poem, made into a hero, set in history. It is a story and legend which has grown more and more over time. Most myths however normally come from at least a fragment of truth and it seems that in this case the fragment of truth which created the legend was the hope of the people.
So, what is the hope of the people which started this myth and the hope of the people which keeps it a legend still today?!?
It is a hope for something better. A hope for a King who knows them, and will protect them. For a man who will protect not only themselves but also what is right. One who will fight evil no matter how it comes. A hope that there is something more than just what they know.
The bad news is that despite this hope, King Arthur, the legend we know, is still just a myth. Even if it weren't a myth, the time did not remain but history shows us that more powers came and the world changed. There is however some good news. The good news is that the peoples hope which created the legend and keeps it alive still today, is not in vain.
Today is Easter Saturday, and tomorrow Christians all over the world will be remembering and celebrating a King who really is all of those things which the people hoped for. And not only that but tomorrow the celebration is because He is alive, He has conquered death, and so is King forever. Not only do we have a King who has fought the worst kind of evil there is (our own sin) for us, but we need not worry for the time when He will die and a new King will come for He is Forever.
The hope which we have is in our King and Saviour, Jesus. A living and real hope that there is something better than what we know, than the world we live in, and that is being with Him, when He returns. The great thing is we do not need to create a legend so that we can cling on to this hope, but our hope really is from history (not just set in it) and so it is real!
- If you would like to read more about King Arthur, and the mythical legend click here.
- If you would like to read more about Jesus Christ, and the real King click here.
- If you would like to read more about what Christians remember at Easter click here.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Each and every person who is, who was, and is to be, is unique and somehow different from everyone else. Isn't this amazing?! That there are no two people exactly the same.
We see things differently, do things differently, learn things differently, understand things differently.
I'm the kind of person who often notices little things which are happening around me, and constantly liken one occurance with another (sometimes seemingly obviously different).
I would like to share with you a lesson I once learnt from a Banksia.
This is a type of Banksia which can be found near where I am from in Australia |
Banksia's can be found amidst a quite dry landscape proudly supporting their unique flowers which also happen to be full of nectar attracting many native birds and insects. Growing up surrounded by beekeeping I was taught to pay careful attention to Banksia plants. (They often look like shrubs but are actually more like small trees).
It will appear to be a good strong plant and then gradually year after year it will begin to produce less flowers, attract less wildlife, it's like it has become so comfortable in its current position that it is no longer as effective in its role as it was initially.
Then a fire comes and burns everything in its wake. Everything suffers. Many plants are destroyed never to grow again, however many recover also. The Banksia is nothing but a black skeleton of what used to be there.
After a fire it takes time for the landscape to recover, and to begin to grow again. It is quite a sight to pass by an area which has been ravaged by fire, charcoal trunks everywhere, but out of such a forlorn and darkened picture you see fresh new green growth in just as many places.
The Banksia looks no different to the rest of the plants in the way some of regrowing and some are not, however some time later when you look closer you notice all the fresh new growth from the soil, and where there were just one or two plants, now the area has many of these plants.
There is an interesting fact about some Banksia plants though (which is also true of some other plants) and that is that it cannot release it's seeds unless it is first burnt - swallowed up by fire.
A burn Banksia (with open seed pods) |
Sometimes we too are like a Banksia, we get too comfortable with where we are and stop growing properly, doing what we're actually made to do. But then a fire comes along, or a trial or hard times, and we get burnt. It hurts and we're not the same as what we were before, and sometimes wonder why such a thing need happen. But then, the miraculous thing is that we do get past it, and we do begin to grow - more than what we could before, and in a way which affects more than just us but also those around us. The hurt, or the trial, or the hard times, it burns us, but in that it also opens us up.
This is the lesson I learnt from a Banksia.
God Bless
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Control in the Hood
Some people (I believe) live under the impression that if you are 'grown up' or an 'adult' you should not be doing childish things. In my personal opinion this is not the case - we still need to have fun and sometimes the simplest things, things which we might call 'childish' are the best! The difference, I believe, is that when you are 'grown up' you know when you are acting childish and you also know when it is inappropriate to act in such a way (having control of our actions).
This is all well and good, however only really looks at one use of the term 'grown up' or 'adult'. So, for a comparison, lets also look at another way in which this term is used which does not fit with the above description. The first thing which comes to mind (due to a recent conversation) is the concern over children entering 'adulthood' or exiting 'childhood' at younger ages.
In this sense the term 'adulthood' is talking not about the persons maturity, reasoning, or overall unstanding but rather their change in behaviour from childhood as related to exposure to what is considered 'adult' things. Drugs, violence, sex, crime, relationships, work, pride, anger, death, sickness, etc... all in their more full or complete forms as opposed to the snippets which children normally receive and are built upon over time. In this sense adulthood is more of an alternate teenage-hood. Often when this is the case these children have a different type of control on their actions (which is sometimes simply no control).
While looking at a passage in Mark this evening, one of the verses we looked at was "Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." Now when reading the Bible, it is always best to read everything in context understanding what else is happening, and not just taking a verse on its own - and I encourage you to do that (chapter 14) however just now I will briefly just mention one of the things we were talking about.
We are taught in this world of ours that to be an adult, to be a member of society often is about control. Self control is an admirable virtue. Some of us we think are pretty good at this, being a master of ourselves. However, here we read that we are weak! That no matter how hard we try we can never be so in control that our spirit and our actions match up (this is for followers of Christ).
I'm sorry if that doesn't make a lot of sense. I feel like I am not doing a very good job of articulating myself this evening. If something doesn't make sense, or needs clarification - please just ask, I'm sure others will have the same question as well and would appreciate it.
God Bless
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
a friendly conversation...
A little while ago I had a conversation (via instant messaging) with a friend which went something like this...
Friend: (asking lots of questions which they already know the answers to)
Me: You get my updates don't you?
Friend: Yep
Me: Then you know most of what I'm thinking about already :)
Friend: (laugh) true, but not all :p
Me: (laugh) true
I just typed trust instead of true by mistake - it's strange what our brain tells us to do sometimes
Friend: Indeed! Now I am going to ask you a question from that point!
How is your faith and trust in God atm?
Now there are a couple of things I'd like to mention which come up in this conversation.
- Truth and trust must often go together - if you do not tell the truth, than why would someone trust you?
- It is good to have friends who know when you're not telling the whole story - sometimes we have a tendency to hide some things away from others, pretend that everything is normal when perhaps it is not. Having friends who know you and can tell when you're not saying everything (even if you are being truthful!) is helpful to keep you being honest not only with others but also with yourself.
- It is mportant to have people you can trust who aren't afraid to ask the questions everybody else avoids - that last question is one that many people will often avoid, instead talking about 'things'. There are also many other questions which people are just afraid to ask, and sometimes they need asking! Having someone whom you can trust, that you can bare your heart to if you need, who is not afraid to ask those questions, is... well... good, healthy, wonderful, (insert word here).
- Sometimes things which seem like mistakes, are not - I typed trust by mistake but as a result I was able to realise just how much I can trust my friend, and just how much of a privilege it is to be able to have such friendships, which in turn provided you with this blog to read. It ended up being the beginning of something else rather than a scratch or an error. Sometimes it's like this with small things like this comment, and other times it's with bigger things like life circumstances, but no matter what it is everytime something like this turns around unexpectedly it puts a smile on my face, joy in my heart, and brings praise from my lips to my Father in Heaven - as all good things come from above.
God Bless
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
I'd like to take a moment this week to have a little think about circumstance. This may sound like a strange topic, or it may not even sound like a topic at all. So first of all, let me clear up a few things.
Circumstance is a noun which comes from Old French and Latin words meaning 'to stand around'. The way in which I am using the word belongs to the meaning 'a condition or fact attending an event and having some bearing on it; a determining or modifying factor'.
Now each of us find ourselves in a different circumstance, but it is not different peoples circumstances which I would like to talk about but rather choose a specific event or activity and how the same person may approach or view it differently depending on their current circumstance.
I was thinking about the stars tonight (can you believe that is how I came up with this topic?!) and how they look. Now the stars will look different depending on our location, visual capability, proximity to large amounts of light, cloud cover, and other atmospheric conditions but it is not these different circumstances which I would like to focus on.
What I find interesting is how our emotions, our current frame of mind, or thought process can affect the way in which we view things. Imagine if you will, a clear night sky, with a bright moon, and a handful of stars dotted across the dark expanse staring down at you. In some circumstances, say you have had a wonderful day, or perhaps you have not had such a great time and are looking for something good - a ray of hope, those stars will look sooo bright - they almost take your breath away. Where-as in other circumstances, maybe you are feeling quite lost in life, or are just wanting the sun and daylight to come back, those stars will look so insignificant and the sky so dark - you may even feel like hiding from it.
That's it for my contemplation on circumstance, but if you are the kind of person who feels like the sky is overwhealmingly dark - what would you say if I told you that one day there will be no more darkness like that, and because we know that this day is coming we do not need to hide from the darkness now?
Just a thought. Questions and comments welcome.
God Bless
Friday, February 8, 2013
strange logic
Childhood is a strange thing. We often remember very little of it but many will claim it as one of the most precious things they have. It also can have a very large influence on how we perceive or understand the world around us, and the person we become as we grow.
Anyway, I thought I would share one thing with you that has had an influence on me as I have grown and the way I sometimes approach different situations in life.
It is a song. My Mum used to sing this to me (or hum, or whistle) when I was young to help put me to sleep. Most of the time it was just the tune but still the words have stuck with me always. It is about a man who takes such joy in playing his music he chooses to do that before anything else. One day another man comes along and listens to him playing out the front of his house while it is raining and suggests that the man should fix his roof (as it's leaking - a lot) on a dry day, to which the man responds that it does not leak when it's dry. It's a strange type of logic, another way of thinking, I think that is what I liked about it.
Arkansas Traveler
Oh, once upon a time in Arkansas,
An old man sat in his little cabin door
And fiddled at a tune that he liked to hear,
A jolly old tune that he played by ear.
It was raining hard, but the fiddler didn't care,
He sawed away at the popular air,
Tho' his rooftree leaked like a waterfall,
That didn't seem to bother the man at all.
A traveler was riding by that day,
And stopped to hear him a-practicing away;
The cabin was a-float and his feet were wet,
But still the old man didn't seem to fret.
So the stranger said "Now the way it seems to me,
You'd better mend your roof," said he.
But the old man said as he played away,
"I couldn't mend it now, it's a rainy day."
The traveler replied, "That's all quite true,
But this, I think, is the thing to do;
Get busy on a day that is fair and bright,
Then patch the old roof till it's good and tight."
But the old man kept on a-playing at his reel,
And tapped the ground with his leathery heel.
"Get along," said he, "for you give me a pain;
My cabin never leaks when it doesn't rain."
God Bless
Thursday, January 31, 2013
the lost
Recently I received something back which I had lost by leaving it behind. Some of you will know the story behind this, and some of you will not - but that does not matter.
I was contemplating this when I started thinking about lost things in general, and then more specifically what can we lose and not ever get back?
I thought of a few things and you can comment and name some of them if you like, but the one I got stuck on was innocence. I contemplated ignorance but then thought, no, people can still choose to be ignorant even if they know better. Innocence in the sense of someone being protected from certain things by simply not knowing - examples which come to mind are mainly negative ones like homelessness, drugs, and abuse just to name a few.
From here though I started to think about what innocence means, what does it mean to be innocent? I thought about the court room kind of definition which means to be found not guilty. I thought on though, that really innocent should mean to be completely without fault, not just 'not guilty', but perfect.
My mind continued to turn, but nobody is perfect, so nobody is innocent. We are all born inherently sinful, caring more for ourselves than anybody else. How then can we know what it means to be innocent, perfect?
At this point I stopped thinking, because I already know the answer, it is written on my heart. I ask you though, do you know the answer?
And if you don't, does that mean that you're lost too?
Thursday, January 24, 2013
a toast
*raises glass*
"Here's to life and love, in all their fullness, in all His fullness. Cheers"
God Bless
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
what is strange
This is how a recent conversation I had started - it then continued through talking about head space, washing powder, bright colours, snow, frogs, and toilets, just to name a few. This is not an unusual conversation for me to find myself in but it suddenly occurred to me that such a conversation may be very strange for others to hear.
Our past, our personality, our situation, all affect the way in which we react to different things. What we consider normal and what things we find strange. I am certain that at some point that most (if not all) people whom I have met have found me strange, not necesarily in a bad way, but just different.
I'm not afraid of what people think, most of the time, which allows me to simply be the person I have been created to be. Some might ask, well who is that person, and the answer is not simple but the most important I shall put before you now. I am my parents child, my Fathers daughter, a sister to many, a sinner, a saint, and an individual.
Now some of those you many not understand so I will explain a few of the terms here.
- By parents I mean my earthly Mother and Father.
- By Father, I mean my Father in Heaven, God, Creator.
- As I am in Christ, all those whom are also in Him are sisters and brothers.
- A sinner is someone who sins. To sin is to do something opposed to God - at some point most every day I put myself first which is opposed to God.
- By saint I mean I am one of many (similar to sister) who are seen righteous because of Jesus.
So while I may be a little strange to some, and most conversations are always interesting, I am certain of who I am. Oh, and if you would like to hear any of the stories behind the afore mentioned topics which came up in our conversation, just ask!
God Bless
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Fear or Trust
So, it's now been 3 weeks since I last wrote a blog and I am very sorry for that. Christmas / New Years is generally a quite busy time for most people and I am no exception.
At church on Sunday we talked a little about New Years Resolutions. Now I don't know about you but I don't make them anymore but I used to sometimes when I was younger. What I found interesting was they were talking about how many peoples' New Years Resolutions are a result of some kind of fear or guilt, and I am inclined to agree.
The talk continued from this introduction to then talk about the Father's Love. How each of us through Jesus have become children of God, and just what God's love is - how it is so much greater than any earthly fatherly love.
I have been reading some psalms recently and I would like to share a few verses from some of them here for you to have a think about...
I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears... The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous and his ears toward their cry... When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. - Psalm 34: 4, 15, 17-19
Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds... How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings... Oh, continue your steadfast love to those who know you, and your righteousness to the upright of heart! - Psalm 36: 5, 7, 10
So cast your fears away, place them with our Father and trust that He will know what is best and will protect you.
God Bless
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