Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Just some thoughts...

Life is an adventure - don't forget it.
You never know what difference you're making.
God can and will use you wherever you are, according to His will.
So don't stress or worry about doing the wrong thing.
Don't push for the future that you forget about the present.
Don't get so caught up in the present that you forget about our future.
And in all things trust God.
Remember always who He is.
And what He's done.
And what's still to come.
God Bless

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Warmth

And so yet another week has passed already. It seems to me that the closer it gets to Christmas, the faster time is passing - agree or disagree?? I think it's because of all of the extra activities and being surrounded by people who are all up a degree in either hype, stress, organisation, or whatever. Anyway I am a day late again and I thought that I would apologise up front along with an observation of current cultural temperament.

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Is a flame friendly or fierce?
Many cool me crazy but I find a flame one of the softest things I've ever felt. It's so soft and warm, light and embracing. The best I could come to trying to explain it is to say imagine the softest, fluffiest, most comfy blanket you have ever felt and imagine snuggling up in it, that is what a flame feels like to me. The only problem is that you can't do that with a flame, you can only feel it for a moment, as a moment longer and you'll be burnt.
Let me also point out now that I am talking about a single flame, not a group of flames better known as a fire. Flames can multiply without losing any and when they do the fire they create can be fierce and you have every right to fear it. Fire cannot be tamed by mere men, just like I a drought cannot be cured or a raging storm sopped in its tracks. The only person who is able to do that is Jesus, the Christ, as He is God Himself and has all authority (Mark 4:35-41).
So, what do you think? Is a flame something which is soft and warm - friendly, or something which is hot and dangerous - fierce?
God Bless

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

bits and bobs

It's hard to believe that another week has passed already... what's the saying?? Time flies when you're having fun! A few things have happened in the last week which I could write about, but I'm not going to. Initially I was going to tell you about the Mill Road Winter Fair which was on Saturday but the video I have won't upload, and without it it's just not as interesting. I will add a few photos here for you though.

Instead, what I want to talk about is... you know, I've forgotten.
There was snow (light) outside when we woke up this morning. Kind of just looked like a heavy frost. First time in over 15 years that that's happened to me, to wake up and find snow in my yard. Guess I better get used to it.

I think I was going to talk about the differences between mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion. It makes sense that you are tired and need to rest when you have been physically pushing yourself and have worn out your body - I think the problem is when you are mentally or emotionally exhausted we don't get enough exercise as we feel so tired and so often will rest the same way as when we are physically exhausted as it is the best for sure way to turn off our heads. When one is feeling emotionally drained, I think this is the hardest to escape as it is crucial tool which we use in processing what is going on around us.
Well this entry is a little all over the place so I'll add one more random thing.
Someone I know saw a lady today. She had really strange hair and my friend couldn't stop staring at them. I've always been told it's wrong to stare, my friend agrees (I think). Sometimes we just can't help it though as much as we sometimes wish we would stop. Other times though I think it can be good to stare, like when you see something breathtaking you often can't help but just stare - it's our way of taking in as much of it as we can. Or when someone quite famous according to world standards passes by you might just stare because it's someone you never expected you would see. When we stare just because something is different though, like the ladys hair, I don't think this is right. We should notice these things, store them in our memory (at least temporarily), and then move on.
That's enough babbling from me for this week I think. Hopefully next week I'll be able to stick more to one topic.
God Bless

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Christmas Carols

Here in Cambridge Christmas has already really started as it's all about getting in early so that the students who go back home don't need to miss out but they too can join in and remember and celebrate together. On Sunday at church we had a Carol service, and Monday evening I attended another carol service with many others.
In Australia I am from a quite small community and then in the city belonged to a smaller church. Every year at Christmas time I am always amazed, astonished, astounded at just how many people come out for Carols. And I find myself excited, exhilirated, euphoric at how many people have the opportunity to hear the gospel, the good news, of Jesus Christ, and sing praises to God together with one voice.
The amount of people is only limited by the venue, and in most cases for these services - the venue is full. In Australia Christmas is in the summer. Our venues are outside. People gather by the thousands to join together for Carols by Candlelight. Mostly though, it becomes much more of a performance rather than something you join in with. People sing together still and our voices go up and out swallowed up almost immediately by the night around us.
In the UK Christmas is in the winter so the venues must be indoors. In a large church which fits around a thousand people inside its walls, with candles shimmering nearby, we sang. The choir up front, around the organ, and the people filling the pews, the sound being held for a short time inside those walls before disappearing.
The main difference here is between a traditional type service and a contemporary type service. Both have their benefits and drawbacks but the most important thing to remember is that no matter where we are, now many of us are gathered, what songs we are singing, we are all raising our voices together in praise to the same one and only God as we remember how He came and revealed himself to us in this world some two thousand years ago.
A particularly common bible passage which is used at these services, I have found, is the beginning of John 1. I have included a small excerpt below, to read the full passage follow this link.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. ... The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

God Bless

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Friend!

I would like you all to meet a friend of mine.
He hasn't had the easiest life but it is still a lot better than many could ever ask for. He has taught me a lot about what is most important in life - what to hold on to and what to let go, where to put your trust and hope, and when to speak up and when to stay silent.
He was no one particularly special where he came from, except to his family and perhaps some of the girls as he is not bad looking. He had a pretty normal childhood, following his parents, and spending time with his friends. He loved to learn though and so had become quite wise for his age by the time he was a teenager just from taking notice of many different things.
He never has told me exactly why he was so determined and persistent at such a young age. Maybe it was something he heard and decided, 'I'm going to be like that', or 'I'm never going to be like that'. I don't know, maybe I should ask him. Anyway, when he was a teenager he wasn't the jock of his town but he was still popular amongst his crowd - although considered a bit strange by others because of his commitment to his beliefs.
Have you ever had one day in your life that changed everything? Sometimes it's obvious, his was, and sometimes it's not so much, mine wasn't - but it's still there when you look back later. Mine was a change in the way I thought about things after a series of small events. His was much more physical, with the invasion of his home by the army of another kingdom, another country. Some stood and fought, some surrendered, some joined the other side - many places were destroyed, many people died, and many were exiled (sent away from their home to another place where they were held like prisoners).
He doesn't like to talk about that time, understandably, the only thing he does say is that he was one of the lucky ones. He didn't know why he was taken while others were killed, but later found out it was because of his good looks and inquisitive mind. He didn't question it too much, just followed along and did as he was told. Some of his friends were also taken, so at least they had each other. He once told me that he didn't know how he would've made it through those first few months without them.
They didn't know what was happening and it was a very confusing time but eventually they found themselves being picked out from the others who were kept as prisoners and taken to live near the palace in the capital of this foreign country. The kings idea was that from each place they conquered they would take some of the smart young men and bring them back and train them in many things but most importantly to think their way, to become true members of his kingdom, and have them work in his kingdom (so, they better look good too). That way, the other people would not attack the kingdom as their own were there too and as they saw how great the kingdom was and how their own people protected the king they would become true members of his kingdom too. They didn't know this at the time, but found out later just what the kings plan was.
The one thing the king didn't bargain on was having someone as committed to his beliefs as my friend. He told me once that he was so scared that he just followed along and did as he was told, and almost just gave up believing several times, just waiting for the end to come. He kept quiet for a while until he realised that he couldn't stop believing the truth and he had more to fear from his God than from this king and his men. He talked with his friends who were still with him and gradually mustered up enough courage to approach the chief who was in charge of them and speak up.
I remember he once said to me that a hundred and one things ran through his head that he could ask for until he finally blurted out a request to abstain from the food offered to them in preference for vegetables and water only as their beliefs denied them these other foods. It might sound simple now but at the time he was quaking in his boots as such a request is a rejection of the king, as that is where the food came from. I remember he described it to me as a hundred years passing in those few minutes, and then another thousand while the chief tested them over the next ten days to see if they would still be fit and healthy. And every second of those thousand years they were silently praying to their God that He would keep them safe.
They were kept safe, and so it continued that way for the next 3 years while they learnt many things, and continued to pray to their God many times that He would keep them safe, that He would send them home, that He would give them understanding. Well, they were all kept safe, and they definitely got knowledge and understanding - they were the best of all the students, and even better than some of the kings scholars. Luckily for me, they haven't made it home yet - if they had I might never have met them and become such good friends.
I wasn't sure that this was because of their God though, I thought maybe it was just luck and hard work. That was until someone else told me about the kings dreams. It wasn't that long ago, the king had some dreams that really scared him and he thought they meant something but he didn't know what. Nobody else could tell him either, and he was starting to take his anger of not knowing out on others in his palace. He was becoming a real tyrant. Anyway, they say that Daniel told the king that he could tell him what they meant the next day. And the next day, he did! He says that his God, the God in heaven, is the revealer of mysteries and has told him the kings dream and its meaning, so that the king might know it.
I asked him about this just the other day, and all he said was 'yeah, that's right'. He's grown up now but from what he's told me I think he's just the same now as when he was a kid back home. Persistent and determined, smart and exceptionally wise, good looking, well regarded by those around him, a bit strange at times, and committed to his beliefs - to his God. I was a bit pessimistic about his God having so much control but after hearing about the dream thing I asked him if he would tell me more about his God, teach me. He has been, and now I call his God, my God too. He's a pretty cool guy to know, all important in the palace but still a real person - not all high and pompous like some of them. I think it's because of his God - he says that everything comes from God so he doesn't take credit for things like the others do. I think he will have an interesting life and I'm glad I can share it with him, even in just a little way.
I would like you all to meet a friend of mine. His name is Daniel.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Just Stop.

Do you ever just stop?
Like, in the middle of your day as you're walking back from lunch - or while  you're doing your grocery shopping - or when you're sitting at a cafe - or when you go for a jog or bike ride - or on your way to work...
Do you ever just stop and look around?
At the person alongside of you - or the dog chasing a ball - or the bird flitting to and fro - or the bus passing by - or the child who just tripped - or the waiters clearing plates - or the young couple hand in hand...
Do you ever just stop and listen?
To the splash as a car passes through a puddle - or the soothing words of a parent towards their sobbing child - or the sharp words exchanged between two arguing - or the leaves in the trees as the breeze passes by - or the clatter of crockery as it is collected - or the ding of a bicycle bell warning others of its coming - or the distant sound of a siren telling everyone of its hurry...
Do you ever just stop and feel?
The breeze as it crosses your face - or the rough ground as it passes beneath your feet - or the gentle bump as someone moves past you - or the change in temperature as you pass a store door - or softest touch as a raindrop or leaf or blossom falls on your head...
Do you ever just stop and smell?
The warming aromas coming from the nearest hot food store - the fresh slightly earthy smell after rain - the sweet flowers sneaking over the fence - the exhaust fumes as you stand a little too long near a running car - the friendly smell of the pages in an old book...
Do you ever just stop and wonder?
About the lives of the people you're passing - or how many people are noticing you pass by - or how much everything just here is going to change in the next minute - or how much you're not noticing...
Do you ever just stop?
I do - and it gives me great joy to witness life. Sometimes I will even give people I see names, characters, and lives in my head, but when I do this I often wonder just how their actual lives would compare. Real life is always much more interesting, simply because it is real. But the thing I wonder most I think, is how many people here have heard about Jesus Christ as I know him, and have a personal relationship with God, our creator?
So... do you ever just stop... and look around... and listen... and feel... and smell... and wonder... and praise God?!
God Bless

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Waiters in my Head

Of recent, my mind has been a little bit all over the place, making it difficult to pin down any one thought, or point, to share with you all on here. I'm sure over the next month as I unjumble my brains a little you'll hear about some of the things which are stuck there.
Our brains are funny things, our thoughts and memories. Some things which I wish would stay zoom right through - in one ear and out the other - barely even leaving a wake behind them. Other things which I wish would go, have taken up permanent residence and continue to every now and again nudge some part my head to make sure that they will never be forgotten, to remind you that they're there. Then there's others again which have just come for a short time, like they're visiting some of the other thoughts in your head, before passing on. And I just thought of another, the sly guest who comes and then hides away and doesn't say or do anything for such a long time you don't even know they're there until one day a long time later they decide that it's time to come out of hiding. Sometimes they join the permanent residents, and other times they make friends with the leaving thoughts and decide to move on with them (they will often return for visits at irregular times though).
And don't even get me started on emotions. They're like the ones who are catering to these others and it often depends entirely on just how well they are being treated by the guests to how they will react - and of course just which one is currently on duty, and which one is off. Personally I'd like to think that Happy is a full time worker, while say Nervous has a little part time work, and Angry only picks up the occasional holiday shift which is available.
With so much going on up there on the social side of things I sometimes wonder how it manages to get business done - telling my fingers where to go next to type this message for you all to read. But it does, and I don't know about you, but I am very grateful.
Sometimes I wish I was more like my brain, and a little less like a muttering stream. My brain can somehow manage to do so much at the same time, getting everything done, and done well. A muttering stream is moving along but never quite in the same direction moving from one way to another, constantly churning a little but never enough to say it's bubbling, and definitly not enough to call it a rapid. A muttering stream is not sure just what it is and serves no great purpose - it should simply decide, stop muttering, and make itself heard - either as a gentle murmur constantly in the background to help provide an idyllic and calming atmosphere or as one shouting from the front lines ready for action and adventure. Yes, sometimes I wish I was a little more like my brain.
While what I say here is true, when it comes down to it, I am very thankful that God has made me the way I am, and in time (I'm just not sure when that time will be) I will move on from being a muttering stream to something more discernable.... or at least I think I will.
God Bless

Sunday, October 28, 2012

History - already made!

History is one loaded english word. It can relate to any number of things dealing with time which has already occured. I imagine that a many number of people when faced with the word history will automatically think of some kind of history. It might be the subject as taught in school, or maybe the wars which have torn so many countries and people in many directions, or maybe more personal looking at their own past, or perhaps contemplative thinking about what is still yet to become history.

What I find interesting about history is that there is only one, and yet each of us have many. In case you don't follow my train of thought I'll explain briefly. History in the broad sense of the word is 'the aggregate of past events' meaning that everything which has already occured is part of one history from before creation until now. History can also however be related to something specific which is how we commonly study it. So each of us has our own personal history looking at what has occurred in our life here on earth. Then there is the history as related to us  by the group of people we're related to - our family history, or the history of your place of employment, or the history or your gender. Another one is the history of your country and your ethnicity. You see, each of us have many different histories but in fact are only part of one.

If we follow our history back we will find that they all culminate together until we are all sharing the same origin of our history. Often each of us think we are special or unique or different, and we are in some ways, but when you get down to it we are all the same, and all come from the same place, the same origin. We all share in the same history.

Now your next question might be what history is it that we share? I'm from this place and you're from that place. I've never met you before and we're not related so how is it that we share the same history?? Well, I hope that is your question - or that you are already familiar enough with my thinking to know what the answer is.

I believe that what the Bible says is true, and in Genesis we hear the story of creation - how the world came to be, and also how we came to be.

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness."
Then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

So, you see, we are all made in the image of God, and brought to life by his breath. Now my question to you is, if this is right, who should we be living for? Have a read of Genesis 3 to see what other history we all share too.

God Bless

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Can you say that again?

Well, I don't know about you but I have had a good week. There hasn't been anything spectacular which has made it a good week, but nor has there been anything particuarly dreadful to make it a bad week - on the outside, it has just been a normal week.
On the inside, God has been reminding me about many different things about myself which I had forgotten, or just never consciously realised. There were no profound moments but rather just through different conversations and situations. Granted, perhaps I was a little more contemplative.
Why now? Well, that's Gods timing - we don't always know why but trust that He knows right. Over the past couple of weeks especially I have been reminded how important it is to listen. Two bible studies this last week in which it came up were Micah (1:2) and Mark (4:3,9, 23, 24).
Hear, all you peoples! Listen, O earth, and all that is in it! ..... Listen! ..... "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" ..... If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear ..... Take heed what you hear.
Some often say that if God just told them what He wanted them to do, then they would do it, but until He does they'll just keep doing what they're doing. The problem is we are often listening without hearing, or hearing without listening. Letting the words go in one ear and out the other. Or perhaps they stay, but they don't mean anything to you. Gods word is more than just talk, but should be life changing.
So, what does the Lord require of us? Well, if you really want to know the first step is to start listening properly to what He is saying.
God Bless.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

It's a really long way home

There's a song I've had stuck in my head recently which I thought I'd share with you. Long Way Home by Steven Curtis Chapman.

It's about the life we are promised as Christians. Some might think that the life of a Christian is easy. That it's just like any life but we have a crutch to hold us up when bad things are happening. Christianity is much more than a crutch, in fact it brings with it more trials than we would otherwise have in our life, trials which are because we follow Jesus.
Each of us have baggage in this life, things we carry with us from our past - things we wish we had done, or things we wish we hadn't. Perhaps things which we had no control over which have had a profound (intense) influence on our lives. Sometimes we let these get in the way of our relationsip with God, and our walk with Him.
One of the hardest things I think is to remain firm in faith with a sense of urgency (insistent necessity) to continue, to make it to the end, when times are really hard and all we want to do is blame God instead of turning to Him, and also when times are really 'easy' and we want to forget God and just enjoy the moment. But the life we have has been given to us by Him and this life here on earth is just a little bit of it. The rest of it is with Him, so while we're here we should always remember where our final destination is.

I set out on a great adventure
The day my Father started leading me home
He said there's gonna be some mountains to climb
And some valleys we're gonna go through

But I had no way of knowing
Just how hard this journey could be
Cause the valleys are deeper
And the mountains are steeper than I ever would have dreamed

But I know we're gonna make it
And I know we're gonna get there soon
And I know sometimes it feels like we're going the wrong way
But its just a long way home

I got some rocks in my shoes
Fears I wish I could lose
That make the mountains so hard to climb
And my heart gets so heavy with the weight of the world sometimes

There's a bag of regrets,
My should've beens, and not yets
I keep on dragging around
And I can hardly wait for the day I get to lay it all down

But I know that day is coming
I know its gonna be here soon
And I won't turn back even if the whole world says I'm going the wrong way
Cause its just a long way home

When we can't take another step
The Father will pick us up and carry us in His arms
And even on the best days, He says to remember we're not home yet
So don't get too comfortable
Cause really all we are is just pilgrims passing through

Well, I know we're gonna make it
And I know we're gonna get there soon
So I'll keep on singing and believing
What all of my songs say

Cause our God has made a promise
And I know that everything He says is true
And I know wherever we go
He will never leave us
Cause He's gonna lead us home

Every single step of the long way home
          (Keep going, we're gonna make it)
          (I know, we're gonna make it)
          (We're just taking the long way home)     [x3]
(Keep going, we're gonna make it)
(I know, we're gonna make it)
It's just a long way home

God Bless

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Life is a mirror??

Today I'd like to share with you a little (short, small) ditty, poem, rhyme, or saying, that my Mum taught me when I was little (young).

Life is a mirror, all will come backThe good, the pure, and the trueSo give to the world the best that you canAnd the best will come back to you

Some of what this says I think is true, but when I look at it now, it reminds me of the concept (idea) of karma, which I don't believe in. The basic dulled down (simplified) version of karma is that if you do bad things, then bad things will happen to you, and if you do good things then good things will happen to you (sometimes in a next life).

This idea doesn't fit with the God that I know. The God that I know is creator (made everything and everyone). He is all powerful. He is loving. He is past, present, and future. He is king. He is my heavenly father. He is judge. He is good, and pure, and true. This is the God that I know and He is involved (having an active part in) with our world and our lives, in a way which is much bigger (the concept/idea and more powerful) than karma, or even the universe (everything which exists throughout space)

As a believer in, and follower of, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, I believe something very different to karma, which is all about the God I was just telling you about. Basically, we are all bad but Jesus has paid the punishment for us already, so although we deserve to die for all the terrible things we do (even when we do our best), when we put our faith (trust) in Jesus the best really does come back to us, forgiveness and real (true, genuine, not fake) life. 

"What do you mean, real life?" - you might ask. "Are we not already living and breathing?" Life which lasts forever (does not end) and is based first and foremost (the most important part of) in your relationship with God. Not just any God but this God, the God of Jesus Christ, the God who is Jesus Christ

So now when I think about this little ditty which I was taught when I was little, this is what I am reminded of. That life is a mirror, it should mirror our creator as we are made in His image (likeness), be a reflection of Him (God/Jesus) for others to see. That God Himself came 'back', came to the world to show us just what is good, and pure, and true - that He loved us so much that He gave us the best and biggest gift He could - forgiveness and a way to be with Him forever.

God Bless

Saturday, September 29, 2012

La la La, da DA de dum!

Here in Cambridge, the atmosphere is changing as the students are all arriving ready to start the new term this coming week, the holidays are over, and it's all back to work. The days are getting shorter and the wind is increasing. The most is made of the sunshine when it appears but primarily now it's raincoats and closed shoes that you see everywhere.
With all the students arriving for university it got me thinking about my own time at university in Australia. I have such a short attention span that I'm always amazed that I made it through my degree. I had to come up with a lot of different strategies to help me get there though.
The Institute for Learning Styles Research breaks up the way individuals learn into seven basic categories. These are print (read), aural (hear), visual (see), haptic (touch), interactive (repeat), kinesthetic (do), and olfactory (smell & taste). Everybody learns through a combination of these but work and learn better with some rather than others. For me, those some are haptic, kinesthetic, and interactive (with a lot of crossover into visual).
These aren't the ideal learning styles for studying at university - and honestly a lecture was way too long for me to stay attentive for (my mind drifted off topic). Taking notes helped but because I'm really not a print person, it didn't help a lot. I do like pictures though - and I can remember them - so sometimes I would take lecture notes in image form. This worked sometimes but not all topics lent themselves towards images (ie. I couldn't put pictures to math equations). Practicals were the best as this didn't require effort to change up the learning style given but just go with the flow (follow on) - unless they were computer based which goes pack to the print style learning - this wasn't so good. Sometimes I would imagine (picutre in my mind) I was doing the things I was putting into the computer for real - this helped. As I was studying a form of Earth Science sometimes I would take a 'field trip' to an area like that which we were currently studying (beach, mountains, lakes, etc.)to see and feel just what I was looking at on a page - somehow this made it make much more sense. One other method I came up with was to sometimes 'act out' my lectures - go back over notes and put movements or expression into it to help me remember; or sometimes I would write the information (data, study material, lectures) into a song against an easy tune to hum.
This last 'method' is something which has stuck with me but in a different way, even though I did not do it a lot. When I have a slightly quieter time in my day, like when riding from one place to another, or doing the dishes or some gardening, I often find myself making up tunes to either go along with my current mood, or mimic (parallel, copy) my day so far. It's like I'm in tune with the world - and this is my tune which works together with everyone else's to make a wonderful melody (tune) of life. But sometimes I have an off day, it just wasn't quite right, and there just isn't a tune which fits, it's like you're suddenly out of tune - like you're separate from everything else.
It's on these days, when I feel down, out of touch, not quite right, lonely, isolated, like a floating island - on these days that I remember that there is so much more than just now, and that I am so much more than what's now. I remember that we are made in God's image (Genesis 1:27), that we are loved by Him (Romans 5:8), that we have a future beyond here and now (John 3:16, 1 Peter 1:3-5), and that nothing can ever separate us from this (Romans 8:38-39). And the great thing is that I don't need to learn these things the same way I had to learn the things for my degree because these things are shown to me every day through my relationship with God, through Jesus, by the Holy Spirit. The same way I don't need to learn that my family loves me because they show me every time I talk to them.
I love learning things but even better is to know something with such certainty because it is shown to you again and again, without fail. I also love to be 'in tune' with the world and what's around me, but when I'm not I still know that God will always be there to take my off beat ways and show me his own rhythm to follow - this is the most important one in my books (my opinion).

What do you think about this?
God Bless
PS - sorry, I started rambling (going on and on) a little again

Friday, September 21, 2012

A bit of Rambling...

It's been two months now (and one day) since I first arrived in England, and a day later in Cambridge. On Wednesday of this week I had the fortune to spend a day in London doing touristy things and catching up with a wonderful woman whom I'm privileged to have in my life. As I walked around and looked at many old things in a modern city completely wrapped up in its past, I found myself becoming more and more interested in the history of this place.
An observation to make - if there is a slight interest, or curiousity in something, the more and more you are surrounded by that, the more and more your interest and curiousity grows.
For me, it has a lot to do with the architecture and how that reflects the thoughts of the day and those who built it or had it built. Also the marks left on these structures which tell stories of the lives which it has held. A crumpled arch delicately rebuilt tells of the destruction which befell it during the World War, it tells of the design ideas of when it was first built, it tells of the importance of that to those who had it rebuilt, and it tells of the people now who continue to have it preserved. The ornated ceilings which are of such high standard because you look up to God, and the ceiling is the closest of all the building.
History is often seen as such a boring subject, but it was once the present, and not the past. As George Santayana once said, 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' When you actually look at history, it is not all boring but rather very complicated, just like life is now - and a lot of recorded history is not things which we would like to repeat.
As a christian though, my interest goes further perhaps than some. Some might say that christians live in the past, but the truth of the matter is that we live very much in the present, with a hope for the future which is founded in the past. The more we learn about what happened in the past the more we learn about who God is NOW and ALWAYS.
John wrote in his gospel, 'And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name... This is the disciple who testifies of these things, and wrote these things; and we know that his testimony is true.'
What do you believe, and why do you believe it? Everything which we know and learn is somehow found in history. If I was slightly more forthright I might challenge one to look into it if they do not know. And to follow up, if you are at all curious or interested, take that next step and start asking questions... Just some food for thought.
God Bless.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

English Reflection

CIO is over although the work continues all year round on a smaller scale. There are some lessons learnt from this time that I hope I will always remember. One of them is the importance of taking time out to spend with God. Now, we already know this but when you really are go, go, go for so long you inevitably start to get quite tired and even when you would sometimes much rather sleep it is important to always take that time to spend with God - also to take the time given to you to rest, to rest! I think some people learnt this the hard way. Give it your all but also pace yourself so you don't burn out before it's over.
Something else I learnt is that life is full of opportunities, we just often don't recognise them - or do, and don't grasp them. I think CIO has perhaps helped me to recognise more opportunities and be unafraid of taking them up - primarily in a relational, and gospel speaking way. And they are there - every day! Before, I would naturally talk about the gospel, now I think, perhaps, I can more intentionally speak about the gospel also. Learning how to form and follow up friendships.
On team, we were from all over the world - having over 20 countries represented. This opens up for a lot of cultural baggage, and misunderstandings - but learning how to respect one anothers backgrounds, and adapt so that we can best work together as a team united in Christ. And not only that, but get along really well with some people too. Learning the difference also for many of us between what is Christian, and what is simply a cultural way of expressing that.
Looking forward now, you may know that I am hoping to stay here in Cambridge. Today, I was flicking back over past entries of my 'Journal' since I have been in England. I would like to share with you something I wrote on Monday 27th August.
7.45pm - the buzz or drone of traffic in the background reminding you you're not far away while also causing what would otherwise be in the background to come to the fore. A sky covered in cloud without being menacing in the least whilst providing no colour or bright light to what is left of this summer day. The crickets gently bring their song while birds calling to one another add their melody. something is still missing as I lay facing the sky, my back against the fresh, damp grass - a bird draws my attention as it sets itself in the place of a missing picket on the fence, it's height... perfect. - I laugh and this brief interlude from sound to sight is ended as my own joins with the sounds around. here is the missing sound. the rain gently falls and I can hear it all around me giving many different tones before I even feel the first wet drop upon my face. It falls in a cascading rhythm on the trees, the ground, the rooftop, the plants and completes the sounds of the garden, interrupted only be the occasional call of the neighbours - it says many things, but one of them is this is your home... welcome to Cambridge.
 God Bless

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Remembering and Trusting

I feel like I should do a debrief or summary of CIO but I have quite a few notes to read through first I think. I kept a journal every night of CIO as recommended to me by others as when you get to the end, you do not remember what happened at the beginning - or first impressions. In fact, I find it difficult to even remember everybody from team.
At the end of each team we would each get a card which different people from team wrote in. One of the verses which someone left in some cards, which I thought I would share with you today, was Romans 8:28.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
You might ask, just what does that mean?? Well, to put it very briefly it means that God knows what is best for us, more than we do, and if we love Him, we will trust Him and do as He will, following his purposes and He will work everything out in the best possible way for everyone - this doesn't mean that it will necesarily be happy and comfortable for you, but best for everyone. So.. trust God.
If you have any thoughts or questions from this, please share them.
God Bless.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Reality of Past, Present, and Future

Recently, each afternoon I have been spending my time by sitting at a table with people from 4 or more different countries and speaking English. For me, this comes naturally as it is my mother tongue, but for others, not so easiliy - but sometimes I definitely wonder if maybe they know more about my language than I do. If nothing else, it has made me more aware of the words I use to express myself and also, at times, more thoughtful of philosophical.
For example, some words which came up yesterday were fade, forward, and ahead. Colours fade, fashions fade, seasons fade, memory fades. So many things just slowly start to fade away. In a year from now, how much will I remember of the past 5 weeks, which have been so amazing and encouraging in many different ways, not least of which is the people which have been met and come to know. Whenever I think of moving forward, and what is ahead of me, also the thoughts come of what is behind me which is so good sometimes that it is sad to think that our motion is forwards and not backwards, we will never see those times again - maybe similar times in the future though. It is also sad to think that maybe memory will fade and we will not remember those times. What is ahead is unknown - and what is unknown can be awfully frightening sometimes. Moving towards the unknown - this is what a forward momentum towards what is ahead gives you.
On the upside though I know some things which will never fade - like the love of God, and his faithfulness, mercy, and grace. I know that I will never be alone as He will always be at my side. I know that I will never lose some things from my past like the lessons one learns as a young child from their parents. I know that while what is ahead is unknown I am not alone in facing it, which makes it an adventure - one to be taken hold of with both hands, and that it is a privilege to be able to move forwards and seek improvement not only in the world around us but also in ourselves - I look forward to each day and the opportunity to come to know God more.
So lets not dwell on what will fade but be excited on what we know never will. And lets be unafraid of moving forward or looking ahead for the Lord has been there before us and with Him at ones side it is a privilege, an opportunity, and an adventure.
Thankyou Lord
God Bless

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Differences, Worry, and Wisdom

Apparently I started writing this post some time ago however when I opened it up to have a look and post it, I found a blank page. I apologise for not posting anything for so long - life has been a little crazy (but wonderful). I am now writing this post from almost the opposite side of the world to where I have been, quite a journey - in more than one way... but you can ask me about that later if you would like to hear more.

I have been learning lots and lots but I thought today I would share just two things with you.. a few things which I found different about living in the UK from Australia, and something I've been reminded of during my quiet times with God.

#1 - the penny piece is still in circulation here as opposed to the 1 and 2 cent pieces in Australia which were phased out sometime ago. This means there is no rounding up or down when purchasing items. £1.99 actually means £1.99 , not £2!

#2 - the traffic lights turn to amber (with the red) before it goes green.. a kind of get ready to go signal, I like it.

#3 - I really like not having to wear a helmet when riding a bike on the road, and can now understand better why others from over this way find it annoying having to wear a helmet in Australia.

Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His rightousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about it's own things. Sufficient for the day is it's own trouble.   - The Holy Bible, Matthew 6:31-34

This I found as a brilliant reminder of what is most important in life. It starts with therefore, and so relating it back to the rest of the passage which precedes it. The middles sentence kind of covers these though - seek first the kingdom of God and His rightousness. What is most number one in your life? What is most important? What do you worry about the most?

What this passage is saying is that the answer to these questions should be God, and God, and well, we shouldn't really worry about God - but eternal life. We still need food and drink, clothing and shelter, but these should not become so important to us that we forget about God. Our God, the God of the Bible, is a loving God who looks out for His children. He knows we need these things to surivive in this sinful world but He will provide them if we seek Him first. 

What this passage is not saying is that if we believe in God that they will all magically turn up in front of us - life will likely be hard, we must do what we can, and we need to remember that God uses many different people. So thank those who help you, but also praise God for His provision.

As for the last sentence, this is not saying that we should never plan, and live always for the now, what it is saying is that we should not let any day slip away for worry of what is to still come. If you are worried about something, than do what you can and then hand it over to God that you do not waste the rest of the day for worry of something you can do nothing about.

But it is also a reminder of just how God is in control of each and every day, and has power over each and every moment (and worry). But if you are still not sure what to do remember what God has told us through James, in The Holy Bible 'If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.'

Please don't misunderstand this passage, it doesn't say you can ask God for just anything and He will give it to you. It is talking specifically about wisdom, Godly wisdom.  

God Bless

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Joseph and the Promised Land

I wrote this a week ago, sorry I didn't publish it until today....

I thought today I would share a little about what we've been hearing about at church and bible study the past few weeks. At church we've been working our way through the story of Joseph, and have just concluded the series. And in my bible study group we have been working our way through Joshua which has also just reached the end of the series. They were wonderfully complementary working through them side by side, or rather finishing them side by side.

First, a brief summary of the history of Israel... We'll start with Abram whom God named Abraham and chose to make promises to, that he would make him into a nation of his very own special people. God gave him a son Isaac whom these promises would be continued through, and to Isaac, Jacob who would later be called Israel. They dwelled in the land of Canaan which God had given to them. Israel had twelve sons, one of which is Joseph. God saved all of Israel by sending Joseph ahead of them to become a great man in Egypt that when the famine came they might still have food and not perish. Israel moved into Egypt where they dwelled for 400 years, feeling forgotten as they had become slaves. God came to their rescue using Moses and brought them out of Egypt through many miracles. He provided for them food and water for 41 years they dwelt in the desert before they were to enter the land that he had promised them. This land was inhabited by many other peoples, strong nations, who they would drive out before them with God at their side. Joshua is one of the faithful and trustworthy spies which were sent to investigate the promised land after just 1 year in the desert who would later be the one to lead all of Israel into the promised land 40 years later, to drive out the nations before them.

A few points which can be gathered from these stories are as follows 
  • It's important to share your faith with your children
  • We're returning home
  • God always keeps his promises
God makes a whole lot of promises to Israel but his children do not know about them, just what they are, without him sharing with them what God has told him. In chapter 48 we hear of how Israel (Jacob) shared these promises with Joseph on his death bed before giving a blessing to each of his sons as the lord directed him.

And Jacob said to Joseph, "God Almighty appeared to me at Luz in the land of Canaan and blessed me, and said to me,'Behold, I will make you fruitful and multiply you, and I will make of you a company of peoples and will give this land to your offspring after you for an everlasting possession.'

 Joseph not only remembers this but believes in every word which is spoken. At the end of Genesis we hear about the end of Joseph's life and the promise he makes his brothers make.

And Joseph said to his brothers, "I am about to die, but God will visit you and bring you up out of this land to the land that he swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob." Then Joseph made the sons of Israel swear, saying, "God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones from here."

 The land which they had come from God is going to make into an everlasting possession. That is where their home shall be, with God. Joseph has lived the majority of him life in Egypt, his own brothers did not recognize him, that is how Egyptian he had become. And yet, he asks that his bones be carried away from Egypt when they leave. His eternal home is with God, that is his real home, not where he happens to be.

When we read of the exodus later before the entering of the promised land it is some 400 years later and so we often miss how they are actually returning to the land God has already given them. They once lived there and called that land home. In a similar way we too are not home here, but are rather just passing through on our way to our real, eternal home with our Father. Sometimes we forget this and think we are home and might become afraid of the unknown. It is at this time that we need to also remember Gods promises to us, and just what He has done for us. While we are here on earth, we are also in Christ, and so with our Father in Heaven, that is our real home.

And so, looking at this story, you might wonder - so what actually happened to Joseph bones?? We find out at the end of Joshua, after they re-entered the promised land (or part of it).

As for the bones of Joseph, which the people of Israel brought up from Egypt, they buried them at Shechem, in the piece of land that Jacob bought from the sons of Hamor the father of Shechem for a hundred pieces of money. It became an inheritance of the descendants of Joseph.

 And so those promises which were made were handed down, parent to child, that when they did leave, Joseph bones were taken with them and burried in the promised land. They kept their promise as God kept His. God did not make them stay in the land of Egypt but brought them back to the land that he had promised them. Along the way during that 400 years many of them would have felt like God had deserted them but He had to prepare the land for them, and many other things. Everything is in God's timing but one thing we can be sure of is that He always keeps his promises.

God Bless

Sunday, June 17, 2012

what to write?

I imagine that most people who read this blog also write their own or have dabbled with the idea and I imagine that if this is the case you too have been in the situation I currently find myself. I do not know what to write.

It is not that there is nothing happening or that I have nothing to share, quite the contrary - but there is so much going on that I just can't manage to pin down just one thing to share with you without bringing everything up and turning one simple blog post into a major writing piece. While all this is happening some might say, just don't post anything for a while than - but I feel like I need to write, to share... and so I find myself in a predicament.

It was thinking through this that I thought, that's it! I can share my predicament. How many of you have felt the need to write something but just been unable to pin down what it is you wish to write about??

How do you come about choosing what to write about next? Sometimes I do a series and so I'm bound to the next topic by the need to complete the series. I am currently in the midst of a series actually but there's not a weekly commitment to it but rather a commitment not to give up on it entirely (it is a very long series - in my thinking anyhow).

Mainly for me though, I write when I've been thinking about something - or if something has been plaguing me - or I make a discovery, some new pane of understanding that I just want to share with others. Other times it's to share 'things' which have been happening but mainly it's when I 'feel' prompted to do so (as much as I dislike using the term 'feel' to describe reason). I feel I have a responsibility now that I have started this blog to update it frequently (preferably once a week but at least one a month) otherwise I feel guilty, so that's part of it. But other times it's like another part of me is prompting me to write something, and I don't always know what it is I'm being prompted to write until I start.

Anyway, I think that's all I have to say today - your thoughts are always welcome as you well know!

God Bless

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Life... and its complexity

Life is a funny thing. What is it? Is it our heart beating? Is it the actions we take? Is it our reason for 'being'? What does it mean to say our life has changed? And again what does it mean to say our life is finished or over? What is the difference between making a choice and a life decision? It is all of these things which come to mind when I think of life - but what is it really?

The dictionary has 12 different definitions for life focussing on our different uses of the term, but I think the encyclopedia really hit it spot on with 'life, although there is no universal agreement as to a definition of life...'. So to clarify it is our life, a human's life to which I want to make notes of.

 Relevant dictionary definitions could be - A living being, especially a person; The physical, mental, and spiritual experiences that constitute existence; and Human existence, relationships, or activity in general.

So if this is what life is, just what does it mean when Jesus says 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life'? Not I have a life, or I can show you a great life, or even I know the way to real life, but I am the life.

In order to answer this question we need to first find out where life comes from - yet another question. In looking at the origin of life the encyclopedia starts off with 'Fundamental religious concepts center around special creation and belief in the infusion of life into inanimate substance by God or another superhuman entity' before continuing with various scientific attempts to explain away how we (and the world in which we live) came to be.

So if life is originally given to us by another, then Jesus is saying that He is the one who gave us life?! That is one outrageous statement! Here is this guy, kinda poor and scruffy around the edges, walking around from place to place with no home of his own, saying that He is the one who gave everyone life however many years ago when humans were first created.

While it is outrageous, that is exactly who Jesus was - and is. He was there in the beginning because He is not just some guy, He is also God. He gave us life, and gave it to us for a reason - that we might be with Him. Jesus is not just telling us this but He is also giving us a way that we can have the life which He gave us - 'I am the way' - through Him! And how can we trust Him, and know that what He is saying is the truth, and not just another spun up line like all the other people walking around - 'I am the truth'. I don't know why anyone would want to put that much pressure and attention on themselves unless it was true! But not only that, but other things He said and did which show all that He is.

Life is still a funny thing, and many of those questions still remain when pondering such thoughts but there is one thing which I know about life which makes all of them seem so much less important. My life is not my own, it was given to me - and so what I do should also reflect my thankfulness for such a gift, and should be in parallel with what the one who gave me life would want me to do with it. My life belongs to Jesus and so it is for Him that my life is lived.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Nicodemus' Deed (Shine, Part 4)

One bible verse which many people have heard, some the words of this verse and others just the reference, is John 3:16, but I don't know that such a lot of people know much about the words which are surrounding this verse.

These words fall amongst others which are in a response Jesus gives to Nicodemus. Have you heard of Nicodemus? He was a Pharisee back in the day, a high up religious top notch haughty positioned bloke. Anyway, none of the pharisee's liked Jesus because he was no one special like them but was teaching the people things which weren't written in the books they'd studied AND even worse, the people were actually listening to him when they should have been listening to them. Pharisees loved their position of power. Anyway, instead of just rivalling Jesus and trying to get him to trap himself Nicodemus actually admits that Jesus is a teacher from God! WOW! That is huge for a pharisee to even admit such a thing. And Nicodemus than continues to question Jesus about who He IS, like he wants to know, to understand. You see, Nicodemus was who the pharisees should have been, rather than who they had become.

And so these words come amidst this response from Jesus to Nicodemus*.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. - John 3:16-17

But it is the words which follow these which I would like to focus on today. Jesus continues...
He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God. - John 3:18-21

Who is the light? If you don't know the answer to this and you can't tell from this passage than you really should read some of my older blogs in this series but to give you the heads up for now, the light is Jesus!

And what is darkness? It is things of this world, or rather to put it simply for you, things of Satan, of The Devil. What are these things you might ask? Well, basically, anything which is not of God - that's a lot!

The passage which influenced me in naming this blog was from Matthew which also ties in quite well with this passage as it talks about light and works and I would really like to draw the same thing out of both passages.
You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. - Matthew 5: 14-16

The thing is that people quite often mis-interpret these passages or miss the basics that they already know. Like we know that Jesus is the light. But these passages are often misinterpreted to say that our good works are the light to others. WRONG! And doing bad deeds does not mean that we are without light either. The light, Our light, is and always will be Jesus.

What these verses are saying is that by following Jesus, by truly following Him, He will shine His lights on your works that they may be seen if they are good or bad. If we are doing bad deeds we don't want them to be shone to be bad but would rather stay in the shadows, perhaps of denial. But if we know Jesus, He will actively begin to change us from the inside out and His light will shine through us showing our good deeds as a product of what He is doing in us that He may be glorified.

So, Let's let our light shine - whether it be that is show our good deeds or our bad deeds. Only once we let Him be our light, accept Him over the darkness can He really work us from the inside out, actively changing us to become more and more like Him. Praise be to God.

*These two verses may not be Jesus actual words but possibly John's kind of commentary throughout this gospel. Either way, this message as outlined here for you today, does not change.

Q: What do you think would have been a 'normal' pharisees response to hearing Jesus say those things?

Coming Up: Shine, Part 5

God Bless

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

NOT a blind faith

So, we've just enjoyed a long weekend for easter – isn’t it great to have that time off to celebrate. For there is plenty for us to celebrate at this time as we focus on remembering just what Jesus has done for us in obeying His Father. And I could write a lot on the topic but instead I'm going to look at just two verses, as I'm sure the actual story is covered by many other people at this time as well.
And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. - John 20:30-31
As a Christian, I find that we as a collective are often accused by others of 'shoving our beliefs down others throats'. While this is sometimes the case it is not the majority and it is not what we do. All we do is simply share what we believe and leave you to make up your own mind.
Something else which is often said also is that we are stupid in believing in something with no proof, without knowing anything or looking at anything, but believing anyway - having a blind faith. But this is not what we are to do - as you can see from the verses in John, we are to read, to investigate the words for ourselves and check it all out. This is not a blind faith in that we have no idea about anything and just believe anyway – it is only blind in that Jesus is no longer with us, but with His Father – and that is what it is all about!
What I don't understand is those who believe in something but don't really know what. Is not this more blind than those who know what they believe? The problem is they claim to be too busy to bother in really investigating things for themselves. My question is – if you believe in ‘something’ doesn’t that put a big question mark over eternal life, that is life after death – and if so, isn’t it too important (your eternal life at stake) to not make time to work these things out? Even more important than things of this world which so fill our lives.
To have a blind faith is to not know what it is you believe – and to believe without questioning. John tells us here that he has written all of these things that you might believe. We don’t tell you to give up everything you know and follow Christ without knowing even who He is. What we say is, why not have a read for yourself and make your own conclusions as we have also.
I, having read and been taught the gospels, have come to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and now my life is in Him, both now and forever.
What conclusion have you come to, having read the first hand accounts and investigated their validity and other evidence?

God Bless